Restore Your Energy

restore your energy
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Top tips for this program

  • Keep in mind why are you doing it! Your why will grow as we move through the program, use it to build momentum and become more motivated. Try mentally revisiting your why at least once per day, better in the morning. More on that in the daily practices.  
  • Remember – words don’t teach! This program is proven to facilitate building new beneficial habits but for that, you must do your daily practices. Fortunately, they are easy, enjoyable and train your ability to focus on the solutions, not problems. 
  • Your lessons will be sent to your email daily. If you bought Supervised Learning Plan you will have opportunity to reply to emails to get feedback. 
  • If you want to upgrade to Supervised Learning Plan – follow this link. 
You it!

Top tip for this course:

It is important that you focus daily on only one lesson at a time. While lessons seems short and easy at a first glance they actually contain carefully chosen instructions for you to follow and gather information throughout your whole day

Listen to your body and write down your observations, because in later lessons you will need that data to personalise my general recommendation for your needs and circumstances. Your involvement on these early stages would guarantee not only the best results for you but a easily sustainable, enjoyable long-term habit! 

Enjoy your self discovery journey!


Click on a week tab to go to a daily lessons

Identify all foods, places, situations when you currently may consume sugar. 

  • Lesson Monday Day 1 
  • Lesson Day 2
  • Lesson Day 3
  • Lesson Day 4
  • Lesson Day 5
  • Lesson Day 6
  • Lesson Day 7

Identify all foods, places, situations where you currently may consume sugar. 

  • Lesson Day 8
  • Lesson Day 9
  • Lesson Day 10
  • Lesson Day 11
  • Lesson Day 12
  • Lesson Day 13
  • Lesson Day 14

Identify all foods, places, situations where you currently may consume sugar. 

  • Lesson Day 15
  • Lesson Day 16
  • Lesson Day 17
  • Lesson Day 18
  • Lesson Day 19
  • Lesson Day 20
  • Lesson Day 21

Identify all foods, places, situations where you currently may consume sugar. 

  • Lesson Day 1
  • Lesson Day 2
  • Lesson Day 3
  • Lesson Day 4
  • Lesson Day 5
  • Lesson Day 6
  • Lesson Day 28
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