pursuit of wonder

Self-Discovery adventure & intentional living

Where to start?

Science-based self-assessment

Quick, free and science-based quizz that helps you visualise what areas of your life need to be prioritised now, so you can live more intentionally. 

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Understanding yourself is the only way to transform your life from mundane existence to exciting adventure

Choose your self-discovery adventure


Practical, short, step-by-step programs that help you learn about yourself, your motivations and passions; guide you towards your unique way of re-designing your life; illuminate your true purpose and valuable skills.


Surround yourself by exceptional people and you will exceed your wildest expectations in life. Bring your best self to our community and enjoy welcoming, sharing, innovative and creative like-minded people who become your best friends, partners, supporters!

1:1 coaching

The best use of 1:1 sessions is for exploration of advanced strategies, when you are clear of what you want, know what are you capable off and ready to shed any limitations that stopped you before. Fill the initial assessment questionnaire and check for slot availability.

You are under no obligation to remain the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or even a day ago. You are here to create yourself, continuously.

Transformation in many forms

Life strategy coaching was an eye-opening experience! I initially sought help to explore some directions after a painful divorce, but Nadya went beyond that. She helped me recognize patterns of self-sabotage and negative thinking, which were hindering my progress in all areas of life. Addressing these issues has led to a significant boost in my confidence, and I’m now achieving success in ways I never thought possible.

-Pia, 37 y.o.

“Nadya, I can’t express how grateful I am. At the beginning of your “My Self” program, I was overwhelmed by stress and had difficulty managing my emotions. With your techniques and encouragement, I learned to handle stress in a healthy way, which had a ripple effect on my relationships and overall happiness. Life feels more balanced and fulfilling now!”

-Tara, 34 y.o.

If tell the truth, I was completely lost after my children left for uni and I realised that there is nothing left in terms of the relationship between me and my husband.  I was sad and bitter and angry and hopeless. Now, after your programs and 1:1 coaching, I am amazed at how much I can give and do and explore! I think it is the best time in my life and I am looking so forward to all the new adventures that it can bring! Nadya, it’s incredible! I will be forever grateful! 

-Melissa, 54 y.o.

“Working with Nadya has been an incredible experience. I struggled with maintaining healthy boundaries and often found myself overwhelmed by others’ expectations. With your program and then your feedback, I learned so much! Prioritizing my needs and communicating the right way dramatically improved my relationships. I feel that I’ve evolved,  I feel more fulfilled, and truly a better version of myself.  Thank you so much!”

-Christen 39 y.o.

“Your programs were a life changing for me! I struggled with procrastination and lacked the motivation to pursue my dreams. You helped me identify all the reasons for my procrastination and taught me how to overcome them.  I finally launched my own business and achieved success beyond my expectations. Thank you for pushing me to break through my barriers!”

-Abby, 47 y.o.

“OMG, Nadya it’s unbelievable!! This plan is a bomb!!! I always had this crazy dream of starting my own biz, but I was totally freaking out and had no clue where to start. But guess what? She totally had my back and pushed me to go through with it! And I am doing it! And it’s amazing! Things actually worked out!  Now I’m living the dream, running my own successful business, and it feels freaking amazing! Thanks a million, Nadya, you rock!”

-Jordan, 29 y.o.

“I approached life strategy coaching with scepticism, unsure if it would really make a difference. But I was pleasantly surprised! Nadya not only helped me improve my time management and productivity, but she also guided me to focus on self-care. This newfound balance in my life has boosted my energy and overall well-being. It’s like I’ve found a new lease on life!”

-Jen, 49 y.o.

“Life coaching with Nadya has been a truly transformative journey! I struggled with low self-esteem and lacked direction in my career. Through her guidance and support, I not only regained my confidence but also discovered my true passion. Now, I have a thriving career that aligns with my values, and I’m excited about my future. Thank you for helping me find my purpose!”

-Amy, 42 y.o.

“You won’t believe what happened after I finished your program “My Path” I was stuck in this boring 9-5, feeling like I was wasting away. But this program somehow, made me really think about that hidden dream of mine! Even though the program, wasn’t about business at all!  It was like magic, my path become so clear, your tips helped to figure out some details and here we go – I ditched that job and jumped headfirst into my own business! It is scary as hell, but I am doing it anyway! And as you promised I’m living my best life, doing what I love! Thank you, Nadya, you’re the real deal!”

-Kirstie, 45 y.o.

Transformation in numbers

life strategy coaching in numbers


I am open to a variety of collaborations: design and delivery of relevant masterclasses, research initiatives, speaking engagements both live and as a podcast host and guest, relevant product reviews and others.

Just As Nadya photo


Hi there! I am Nadya and I welcome you to my project  Just Ask Nadya where I share life strategies and what I have learned while changing countries and careers, mending my fiscal and mental health, and finding, losing, re-inventing meaning and purpose in life.

In short, it's all good news, life always goes on and gives you endless opportunities to engage, to change and to choose! You can gather evidence of that re-birth even from your own life or listening to stories of others, take for example stories of my guests that I interviewed on my podcast Like a Phoenix.

The problem, however, we more often feel lost than empowered, all because we run on autopilot, choosing to be “busy-busy”, occasionally gaping “Oh, it’s Christmas already!” instead of facing our actual reality and acting on it when necessary. We are so accustomed to being busy, that it starts to feel like the only way, the way where we can hide from our doubts, fears, and co-dependencies. 

I get it, it’s scary to say “This thing doesn’t serve me anymore”, and it’s scary even to contemplate that something that you have invested years into perfecting (be it a career, relationship or lifestyle) may have lost its appeal. But what’s the long-term plan then? Are you planning to numb your dissatisfaction for the rest of your life?

Well, I have been there, done that and you may have already guessed – ignoring your own dissatisfaction is a bad strategy, it’s a highway to a terrible place. 

At that place, we don’t question what’s in store for us, don’t believe in our ability to change and refuse to use our unique gifts. We hide our gifts even from ourselves so well that we forget whether there were any. And as a result, we become less. Less curious, less excited and less motivated. Less true to ourselves. 

Nevertheless, here I am, a person who has not only been down but who also got up (multiple times in fact) and is now willing to inspire you to live the best life you can envisage. 

Not only that! While inspiration ignites your imagination, I want to empower and equip you with practical, science-based strategies, tools and tactics that help you understand yourself and your vision, rediscover your unique gifts and share them freely and proudly with the world! 

I am absolutely sure that there are people who crave your gifts whatever they may be – from cooking the most delicious healthy meals to having the most profound heart-to-heart conversations. Your path to a fulfilled, happy, meaningful life is to rediscover your superpower, hone it and share it with the world!

And as a person who’s been there and done that I testify, this will be the most thrilling, enjoyable, surprising adventure of your life! Start this journey and see for yourself!

I am rooting for you! Life is full of wonders and being aligned to your truth means noticing these wonders, participating in them and even creating new ones. My mission is to help you reconnect with yourself, to design and live an aligned life and as a result become a wonder yourself. Do it! There is somebody who is waiting for you, your gifts and your wonder! 

Be the happiest you can be!

Society is us.
Let's build the best society by bringing our highest self to everyday life.

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